Tuesday, July 22, 2014

It really depends on the movie


I agree that this has lost some of it's magic and intrigue, but that's good because when we started talking about it in real life it made it seem more real. You know, like real life? WE'RE BOOKED WOOOOOOO! So exciting we are officially going. Just two awesome jet-setters making our way. I hope this is forever how I see myself.

Seriously, though I am very excited that we are booked and only a little bit nervous about how overwhelming you're about to be on Sunday. Woohoo! We'll probably spend most of the time figuring out the stupid, non-user friendly train websites. Damn Norwegian train people. I feel like I should load up my ipod with Norwegian Recycling Mash-ups to get pumped. Not that I really need the help. It'll be good to solidify our schedule a little more and give Mette an official report of when we'll be there so that she can figure out when she needs to take off. I do think we should keep in mind though that it could be rainy and some of these things may need to be weather permitting. We'll see. I also think (and maybe this doesn't need to be said, but) that we don't necessarily need to figure out every activity right now since there is still research to be done. Of course, we can fill in the more basic stuff that are must-sees, like the Viking ships and the Mermaid. Also, let's keep in mind figuring out the power/outlet situations and if we need to buy adapters or transformers.

I will try and find my combination lock and, perhaps more importantly, remember the combination... The more I think about it, the more I feel like doing Airbnb in Oslo might be really nice. Personally, I just think it would be nicer for Shabbat, but also, we'll be just off a lot of travel and activity from the Fjords and it might be good to have a real bed and shower and kitchen and all that. Plus, because you book as two people, the cheaper ones don't come out to that much money at all. I'm not against hostels though so if you'd prefer that we can, or we can see Sunday what's available.

Moving on.

Your story about the shower made me laugh. Actually I've only seen the wine bottles thing a couple of times. My sister did one for her friend and it was awesome. I think Jewish and non-jewish (or less religious) traditions tend to be different too (though not as much) so I get where you're coming from there. I missed out on one of my non-jewish friend's shower because it was a Saturday, but it would have been interesting to see. Did they make a hat out of all the wrapping paper? I like that when I get married I'll get to make my sister make me things for the shower. She'll like that probably until she gets uber stressed about it. Of course by that time she might have too many kids or something (this is based on nothing other than a general timeline). The idea of a wedding sounds so unappealing to me. All the work and trying to make other people happy. Maybe when you have a person to marry it seems worth it, but right now it really doesn't. Even the shower and the parties and all that.

I'm so glad to hear you had a nice talk with your mom. That was an interesting and surprising outcome (sidenote based on typo: Income and Outcome- not opposites, completely different words... weird.), and I'm glad you were able to reach it. I don't know if this is the case with you, but sometimes I find that a lot of my difficulty with my mom comes from the fact that we have very different communication styles. For me, simply understanding this makes it easier to handle and accept, but she doesn't really understand what I mean when I say it so, it's not all the useful I guess. I too am much better at expressing myself in writing. Somehow, the words just flow better. But more than that, it's nice being able to really think through what you're saying and make sure you want to say it. It's a quality I have mixed feelings about to be honest. On one hand, I like that I think before I speak and say (I think) fewer stupid things than a lot of other people. On the other hand, it can be exhausting worrying so much over something like what to say.

I feel like I have a lot of other things to say, but I don't really feel like writing them all right now so we'll leave it there this time. A happy Owen Wilson to you madam.

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