Tuesday, September 28, 2010

As the waves come crashing down

Im glad your solo went well,I would not have wanted it to go any other way and I knew you would do fabulously anyways. And yes how I wish we were two feet away right now. And I love all your creeper comments that sometimes make me think you are.

The title of this post is because of how iv been drowning in my whole life lately by the way and all these water analogies might be because of the rain. Anyways Iv just been really stressed and my dad always says that too about the whole having more work to do making you not want to do it all the more.

The 7 key on my keyboard is broken. It took me lik 8-1 minutes just to type out that 8-1.

Meanwhile I cant wait till I get a moment to breathe and catch up with you and Chuck and Iv always giggled a little bit in my mind when people use the word delicious for people. like teehee they just used delicious to describe something thats not food omg! But I just carry on like its the most normal thing in the world and am all like yes delicious right. So I dont know why but writing this blog post is putting me in a significantly better mood than i was.

Iv realized that my eh mood this week is probably because its err Aunt Rose's time to visit..i shouldnt put this stuff up on the internet but goshdarnit its been too long since Iv talked to you and I dont care. But yea its annoying because I keep walking around like Im depressed when its just a mood I guess. But anyways Im home right now with my gradma who might be leaving on friday for India because the reason my dad went on a business trip was for an interview and if he gets the job he will have to travel which means by grandma cant be at home all by herself and she will have to leave and that makes me really sad but at the same time its not like I can do somehting about it I barely have the time to even spend with her which makes me doubly sad. So thats my vent.  I miss having you around to vent to.

Have I mentioned how I dont like any of my classes? Its like I dont even go to college for the education anymore. Whatever as long as I can stay sane Im all good. Im a little bit insane right now.

I figured out you can do a cha-cha to the theme song of Coupling. Maybe Ill do it at my wedding..I mean Our Wedding.

So anyways I wont get to see you for forever now and that makes me so sad. Come back into my life please? Lets just go shack up somewhere.Sound good? K good. And the shack will have a balcony and be in Paris.Just so you know.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Unpacking: More fun than homework?

It feels like there is a negative correlation between the amount of homework you have and the amount you actually want to do it. That's what it's like for me anyway. The work I have is so overwhelming that I've been putting it off. Mostly it's the stuff for my 8:10 am tomorrow that's psyching me, which is swell because I just got the following email from the professor:

Here's a strong hint---bring your stylebooks tomorrow because it's the
perfect day for a quiz....don't forget that the handout is due tomorrow.


The "Thanks" was actually a part of the email, but it also echoes my sarcastic response to the matter.  So I panicked and continued unpacking. I brought back all of the things that I had left at home until now and put them all (okay most of them) away. I also reorganized one of my 'under-the-bed' bins. It still looks messy, but I now know everything in it and where it is, right down to the stupid, useless piece of blue lace in the back left corner that I just can't throw out because "What if I need it?" I hate my pack-rat tendencies sometimes. Other times they're kind of nice, like when I actually need something I've saved and do know vaguely where it is. *Note to self. Remember where lace is...*

So the bottom line is that I feel a lot more settled now, which is something that is really necessary in my life. Sure the holidays aren't over yet. Sure this week is another two and a half day week. Sure I have more work than I know what to do with and it's going to get worse over this week. Sure after the holidays are over I'm going to have to follow through on all the things that I sighed exasperatedly about and said I would take care of after the holidays... I lost my train of thought. At least I know all of my skirts are in my closet, and my hair products look nicely arranged on my shelf. 

Yes, we did have the conversation about typing out "gasp" and the like. We were having one of our 2-feet apart Gchats. Good times. I wish we were two feet apart right now... Or maybe we are *suspicious wink.* Chuck. Yes. He got a haircut and he looks delicious. I don't like that adjective for people actually. It's mostly for food and my cats. But he looks good. With the haircut. How many things can I think of to do to avoid doing my homework? Alright. Time to go. Wish me luck. Oh Wait! Were you the one who was asking me about CommunityChannel's "Your Mum Rates Me" and I said it was in one of her videos once I didn't remember which one. I found it. Just by rewatching some of them. Lame. Okay really though. Homework time. This post has seeeeriously gone downhill. 

AND bye.  

P.S. I had my solo today! I was running late and I hopped on stage right into the song, so I didn't have time to be nervous. It went well. Go me.  

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pinnafore is a funny word...

Yea I get that a lot. I remember this one time I was sitting next to a girl and a guy on a bus and someone was blasting high school musical 3 and ofcourse I was like wow this girl is such a loser until she left and it was the guy. And for the record he was dressed in all black and looked punk. Why yes I do judge people, thank you for asking. But I tend to turn my ipod the other way if I think someone is looking at it so they don't judge me and sometimes I'm so paranoid that I take out my headphones while the music is still playing to check if anyone can hear it and they never can.

So I went food shopping today and I have to say I never realized how expensive everything was.  I mean even cereal when you could easily just get the store brand and save a dollar we fail to do that...Something about the colors of the boxes or something. Meanwhile why do people say dont judge a book by its cover when we all know we judge books by their covers and cereals by their boxes for that matter...because no, its not whats on the inside that counts. If Tony the Tiger isnt the one serving me my frosted flakes then I say keep your own flakes!...Yea i dont even eat frosted flakes it just worked best to use it in this instance.

Oh and I didnt realize Chuck came back this week! What the heck?! We need to get on that and watch it next tuesday yea? And maybe you can cook dinner this time or theres always brower and we can get stir fry like old times gasp! Isnt it funny when people write out things like gasp or shrug..i feel like we've had this conversation before...

fish tacos.

Busy Schedules are for people who Don't Procrastinate

You know what I kinda hate? Blasting Ipod people. When I'm on the bus, all I like to hear is a. my own music b. nothing c. a random mesh of background noise or d. someone else's conversation. What I don't want to hear is the bass and percussion of someone's too loud music. Especially since 90% of the time it's crap music I've never heard of... some obnoxious heavy metal or rap. No thanks buddy. We're in the day and age where if I want to hear something, I can download it myself. You aren't "spreading the word" about your high school friend's band or anything; you're making me strongly dislike you as a person.

But what I really find funny about all of this is the 10% of people who are blasting typical 'on the radio' songs. As much as I hate the obnoxious music blasters, I think it's just a little embarrassing to be playing the latest Justin Beiber song loudly enough for a bunch of college students to hear. Personally, when I listen to my Ipod in public and I sense someone is looking at the song, I feel like I have to flip quickly to something "cool" or "alternative" so I can seem hip and informed on the underground music scene instead of people looking over my shoulder and seeing this...
Album Work

Because seriously there's nothing more definite than people looking over your shoulder and judging your taste in music based on the one thing you've allowed them to see. It's gonna happen. I did it myself with Mr. Beiber Blaster on the bus yesterday. I judged him (I know, him not her, weird...) It kinda sucks though, because I listen to awesome music and about 99% of it is NOT Miley cyrus, but if they catch me on one of those two songs... well I'll be a story in their blog later that day. Or their diary: "Oh My God! Someone else listens to Miley Cyrus in college!!! My life is complete!" *Sigh*

I'm excited about this too!!! Now I have to go run errands. Boo.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Construction is the best sound to wake up to

I forgot to comment on your notepad comment from an earlier post..Notepad?! Prepostrous! Notepad doesn't know what its doing, its just there like, here I am, I won't checking your spelling, title your documents, heck I won't even wrap your text until you tell me to, but you can type on me. Like really Notepad you can't even try a little bit harder for us there? I don't know man this Notepad thing is not something I agree on.

So I just want to say how much I love that we are doing this by the way its kind of like getting to talk to you when I don't. But I get to see you today so yay!

I was supposed to wake up at 8 but ofcourse I woke up at 8:45 so now I'm writing this before starting on all the work I have to do. I did not have time to watch HIMYM last night because i have no time for fun things no just kidding I just had a busy monday and you were right by the way I got to spend 2 hours in the sun giving out water ice while being attacked by bees occasionally and getting sticky from head to toe. Hows that  for a mental image?

But today just comes with more homework, more meetings, more events but it also comes with more you! So theres something to look forward to.

Meanwhile Hydrogen is no average word.


Monday, September 20, 2010

I wish I didn't have class

So I picked up a heads up penny just because of your story. I am one cent richer, and I think metaphorically richer as well just for the experience. I do not discriminate. Well, I do, but it was an indoor penny so I only thought a little bit about it. I used to pick up every penny no thoughts... it makes me sad that I don't now.

I love MLIA, and I know there's no standard of measurement that determines if your life is A, but it kinda seems like people don't really use their judgement. I mean they should at least get the idea from the average words of the day or something (Hydrogen). The site isn't called "This is a story I just want to tell..." though I'm sure that would get its fair share of internet traffic. That being said I do like some of their stories: I just read a dearblankpleaseblank that said "Dear God, please give us Heath Ledger back, we'll give you Robert Pattinson..." made me laugh. MLIA ...which just goes to show you that if you share something amusing enough, people will overlook the obvious problems with it. 

I also forgot to mention that Ted has a new love interest this year on HIMYM.

She’s Jennifer Morrison, formerly from house. I saw one headline that said she’s the mother, but the article didn’t seem to support that at all. I hate misleading things. I don’t know why everyone wants to know the mother so badly. It’s just going to ruin everything. I mean I’m sure once we know, there are still a billion episodes that could come out of it, but it will just take away some of the mystery. 

I think I need to go to class now, so my funny stories from the bus will have to wait for another time. Hopefully you're having a blast giving other people junk food while it melts all over you. I just heard Mr. Softee's song, so maybe I'll try and find the truck while I'm on my way to class. 


Pirates are scarier than Vampires

Ill start of with an MLIA post:
One time my sister set her facebook status as "I hope puberty hits Justin Bieber like a train, then I hope a train hits Justin Bieber like a train." She's coming along fine. MLIA

Meanwhile on MLIA now theyve started doing this thing where they talk about someone they know and go HerLIA or HisLIA..like seriously its called MLIA for a reason people! God I swear people sometimes...
And whoever said most of the things on there now are so not average at all is totally right although I guess you cant really define average now can you, like for someone with an awesome life, awesome things would be average...but then thats just sad.

I think Pirates are scary cuz theyre dirty. Its like dont come close to me or Ill breathe on you and youll die.

This morning I was walking through a parking lot when I saw a heads up penny, for a second I got really excited and I thought I was gonna have good luck all day and be a penny richer but then I was like this is a dirty parking lot I should really not pick up this penny so I kept walking...THEN I saw a quarter on the ground and picked it up and put it in my pocket without a second thought. Now I realize that I am a coin discriminator. Its technically like Im only 24 center richer.

And yea that HIMYM season finale was oook at best like I wasnt on board with the whole house buying thing.  Its like dude thats a house.

On to the rest of my day. Free rita's today on Livi btw. Ill be handing it out. Funny things I can say as I give people water ice? Let me know your thoughts.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Correction: Lesbians Do Eat People, Susan...

I was thinking about how you spelled disappointing wrong and it really makes me wonder about people who couldn't care less about spell check. I mean, I obsessively correct until those stupid squiggly red lines go away. And don't even get me started on the squiggly green lines. Who is Microsoft Word to tell me that I can't start my sentence with an "And." Grammar tells me that I can. Occasionally. <-- And that would get a "FRAGMENT" reprimand squiggly green line- because Microsoft word has never heard of artistic license or conversational writing. Really? Microsoft Word? Are you that much better than everyone else? You know who doesn't pull this crap with me? Notepad. That's right. Notepad. I know, I know, Notepad isn't as 'fancy' as Mr. and Mrs. Penguin- I mean Word- but it gets the job done and it doesn't judge.

In any case, SPOILER ALERT, what happened at the end of last year's HIMYM was that Lily thought she saw the Barney doppleganger (when it looked nothing like him) meaning she is ready for a kid, and Ted bought the house that he talks to his children in, assuming the daughter is the same now that she's starring on NIKITA- go Lyndsy Fonseca!- who says you need vowels in your name to succeed in life?

As for True Blood's lamest cliffhanger ever. Sigh. I'm too underwhelmed to talk about it.

And Pirates would be scarier because they could exist in real life- like serial killers and burglars who get scared when you're in the house and they didn't expect you to be and accidentally shoot you.

- Jenna

Lesbians don't eat people Susan!

I'm so excited for this blog!

So I was thinking about that super dissapointing True Blood season finale, I mean maybe I've just been exposed to many vampire things but theyre starting to seem less and less scary to me. Oh and How I Met your Mother comes back tomorrow! Although ofcourse I can't watch it live and I really do not remember what happened last season at all, I mean was all the bowl stuff even last season? Hello Mr.Penguin, why Hello Mrs.Penguin! Theyre just so fancy!

You know what could totally be as cool and scary as vampires..Pirates! Except they dont suck peoples blood or are living dead or anything...

Thats all for now.
