Monday, September 20, 2010

Pirates are scarier than Vampires

Ill start of with an MLIA post:
One time my sister set her facebook status as "I hope puberty hits Justin Bieber like a train, then I hope a train hits Justin Bieber like a train." She's coming along fine. MLIA

Meanwhile on MLIA now theyve started doing this thing where they talk about someone they know and go HerLIA or seriously its called MLIA for a reason people! God I swear people sometimes...
And whoever said most of the things on there now are so not average at all is totally right although I guess you cant really define average now can you, like for someone with an awesome life, awesome things would be average...but then thats just sad.

I think Pirates are scary cuz theyre dirty. Its like dont come close to me or Ill breathe on you and youll die.

This morning I was walking through a parking lot when I saw a heads up penny, for a second I got really excited and I thought I was gonna have good luck all day and be a penny richer but then I was like this is a dirty parking lot I should really not pick up this penny so I kept walking...THEN I saw a quarter on the ground and picked it up and put it in my pocket without a second thought. Now I realize that I am a coin discriminator. Its technically like Im only 24 center richer.

And yea that HIMYM season finale was oook at best like I wasnt on board with the whole house buying thing.  Its like dude thats a house.

On to the rest of my day. Free rita's today on Livi btw. Ill be handing it out. Funny things I can say as I give people water ice? Let me know your thoughts.


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