Monday, February 11, 2013

I miss you more! and yes it is ridiculous

So I go this new keyboard cover and im still getting used to it so i apolgize for the large number of typos this post will surely contain. But really I miss you soo much. Its pretty crazy how fast time flies, I cant believe its been months since Ive seen you! I honestly dont remember the last time, I think it was when we got italian food for your birthday. Yea thats insane. Anyways Im soo happy to hear your doing well, your new job(s) sound amazing and i cant wait to hear more about them in detail. And hannah looks soo cute im so jealous u get to hug her! I want a baby to hug so badly but weirdly my sister is not super accepting to all my not so subtle hints as I thought she would be..strange.

Also on a completely unrelated side note I have this friend Sandra at work, I may have told you about her she lives 5 houses down from me but we didnt discover this until we both started working at Barclays, but anyways her sense of humor is very similar to yours and whenever she makes some jokes/comments Im always like aw thats something Jenna would say and get all nostalgic. I think shes more ironic while youre more sarcastic but still it brings back memories of the good ol days filled with notes to our neighbors. Ah if only to go back to those times.

In other news im doing pretty well. I took my 4th test the beginning of feb, which wouldve been my last one had I passed everything but since I didnt Im not done yet, but Im so absolutely tired of studying that im just about ready to give up. The fact that this was never really something I needed to do, just something at point thought I wanted to do, isnt helping either. But anyways Im not completely throwing in the towel yet, Im going to wait to see if I passed the last one I took and then decide whether or not I want to continue with this madness. Either way for the first time in MONTHS i have some free time. Its  only been a week since I had this newfound freedom but its going really well I would say. I got dinner with a bunch of people I hadnt seen in a while last week so that was nice. And Ive been able to spend more time with Sid too so thats been good too.

And going along with that Sid and I are doing really well. Its been 3.5 months now that we've been dating although I swear it seems longer than that (doesnt it sound like a baby when I quantify it using months?).  The whole distance and time thing isnt really a walk in the park and we always wonder how nice it would be to just be like other couples and do things like watch tv together instead of squishing together in random starbucks after work, but hey we make it work and its kind of nice too knowing that this is our time to do this, and in the future we will have the time and space to do the whole bum out together thing.

Work is pretty good too. I am still supposed to have half a year left at this role and I have really gotten to like the people here so its really not bad at all, the only thing thats absolutely killing me is the commuting. Im hoping to maybe find a place around summer time to put an end to this madness because its really not fun having no time at all. But we will see how that goes as time gets closer. For now I am actually enjoying living at home because after a hectic day of work I get to have a hot dinner on the table, and a room cleaned by someone else. Also its weird my parents ( i think its cuz they are used to having me study all the time) are pretty much good with leaving me alone so while there is a good chance that might change for now it is really really nice being at home. The whole saving money thing doesnt hurt either.

Also i meant to say this in the above paragraph but as much as I dont mind my work I really dont wanna stay in finance so I really need to figure out my life but thats another story.

So yep thats the gist Id say as of now Im ok with everything, obviously things are never perfect but I cant complain. Its funny to think how much life has changed in the past year, like really complete 180 but I guess I saw that coming in some way. I hope we can catch up really really soon and I can see more pictures of Hannah! Im pretty free this week (except thursday going out to dinner for valentines day) and next week except monday cuz its a long weekend cuz of presidents day (whee). Also (and know that I say this knowing that I dont really have a free weekend until late march/april cuz my parents are going to india and whatnot) but I would love to invite myself over for a Shabbos sometime in the spring/summer if you will have me. (just cant get enough of those kashavarnishkas(yea i blame that spelling on the keyboard cover)). Sooo let me know... Cant wait to catch up soon!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

I miss you and it's getting ridiculous...

I think the title pretty much covers it. I can't remember the last time we really spoke. I'm thinking it might have been the last time we saw each other, which was also ages ago. It's no ones fault really. You've been crazy with your test and your phone doesn't work and my schedule is just weird and last minute and unpredictable. But I thought in the meantime, Bowl needed a resurgence.

I hope I've seen you or spoken to you since I started working, but if not, here's the gist. I work for this woman named Beth who does casting for TV shows. Seh's really great and she gives me a lot of opportunity to learn and ask questions without feeling dumb. I started working with her around Thanksgiving time. I had been emailing her for a couple of years after I got her name from someone at one of my past internships. I knew she did casting for Chopped (the Food Network show) and had emailed her asking about internships. She always replied that it would be good to work together at some point, so I kept in touch and emailed her every few months just to keep her up to date on my situation.

She emailed me the week before Thanksgiving to say she was swamped on a project and needed help and was wondering if I was available. But then her funding fell through and she said she couldn't pay. I ended up doing it anyway for free. It was a learning experience and a foot in the door and a chance to prove myself and all that yada yada... In the end, she was able to get the money to pay for the days that I had worked which was great. It was about a month or 6 weeks.

We were casting judges for this baking show. It's the American adaptation of this show The Great British Bakeoff (it's pretty good actually; you should check it out) So yeah, we needed to scour the internets for baking experts, get in touch, arrange interviews with them, and then interview them either in person or via skype. I got to sit in on a bunch and take notes on them so that they could go to the editor (a 20-something Rutgers grad who literally lives a block way from my house on Huntington St. in NB with his parents- he grew up there... and he dormed!) The editor whittled the hour-long interviews down to 3 minute packages for the network to see "pitching" the people. It was very cool seeing a new side and learning the process.

I ended up working on that some more in January, along with another project. And now I'm on to a third and she's talking about bringing me on when she goes back to Chopped. It's really great and she's great and understanding about shabbos, which is a huge relief by itself. For the last month I've been mainly working from home, which you'd think I'd love. I did at first, but I miss the social interaction and I never really know when I'm going to be working. It's great not commuting, but I like the people so it would be nice to see them. I mostly talk to Beth through IM, and it can be difficult to convey tone as we know, so sometimes that's a little stressful.

My sister is coming in with Hannah this week. She's so cute and she started crawling! She sits up on her own and is just generally amazing. She's started recognizing my face and my voice through the computer and it's awesome seeing her light up when she sees me on video chat. I can't wait to get to hug her though. You probably want some pictures.

All of the girls at a wedding in November. Remember Dave? Josh Gombo's roommate? He got married and now they live in my neighborhood. 
My sister got her baby-aviators for Chanukah
A screencap from our video chat on New Year's Eve
Her 6 months photo
My mom got them a swim class, so my sister and Hannah have been going weekly. 
The monkey I got her when she was born
Two front teeth if you can make them out on the bottom
I ended up going to see my friend Allison in Washington Heights for New Years. She was planning a movie night with some friends, which sounded fun. Except the movie didn't load and they couldn't hook the computer up to the tv, so we ended up going with a large group of people I didn't know to Central Park where there was like a DJ and Fireworks and a costume competition? It was actually really fun.

I was in Highland Park this weekend by Shua, which was nice, and then I went to Rutgers. Kol Halayla was actually hosting an ICCA quarterfinal, which was just so cool. It was so much fun to watch them up there and see the audience of mostly new-to-KH people reacting to them and loving their songs. Especially after two hours of listening to other A Capella groups. It's also a nice feeling when I see them and they all come and hug me and miss me and write notes on my ticket so that I feel loved when I rush in late because it took longer than expected to clean off my car.

I thought I would get to hang out with them, but they were all really tired, understandable, so I drove home late and didn't go to sleep until after 4am. I know you're thinking that's not weird for me, but it's a lot more exhausting when you're actually out and active through those hours instead of just in bed watching TV. I do really miss being a part of them though. Not the KH part, just the social part. It's like FOMO (Fear of missing out- I'm assuming you know this) all the time because they are always posting pictures from rehearsals and stuff.

Those are all the updates I can think of right now. I do really miss you and want to see you. I was trying not to overwhelm you when you were studying because I know how much you were probably stressing about it. But I think you told me Feb 2 was the last one? How did it go? Do you still have to retake that other part or did you already do that? How is work? How is Sid? What are you doing about Valentine's? I was really happy that you texted me for advice/my opinion :) How is your family? How is your sister? How is living at home post-test?

I'd love to find a time to see you. My sister is going to be in from the 13th to the 19th, so maybe next week might be better. Like I said, my work schedule is weird and I days when I do work, I feel like I then have to be home until 7pm, so I wouldn't get into the city until late, but maybe if I'm not working one day I can come meet you or we can do a weekend or something. In any case, it had simply been too long since I told you about my day (had to wake up waaaay to early considering the late bedtime, because a plumber was coming to make my bathroom a mess...) and even longer probably since I've heard about yours. Love you! Hope it doesn't take too long to read this whole novel!