Monday, September 1, 2014

Grandi Navi

So I know we have a plan to talk later today but it was vital to me that I responded to this before we talked. I'm still in a bit of a daze maybe because we went straight into a long weekend but I'm having trouble thinking about real life things. Like work. What is that?! Anyways I'm sure tomorrow will be the reality check but luckily I get to check out of reality again for 2 weeks. October is going to be rough.

I totally get what you mean about the whole nothing has changed thing. Coming back home it feels like nothing has changed and yet I feel like so much has changed. I think there's a quote from Benjamin Button actually saying exactly that.( which is random that I know this since I've never seen this movie, also side note I wish I had kept a list of all the movies you told me to watch during our trip because now I remember nothing ((including who Hans Christian Anderesen is. Just Kidding. Or am I? I am.))).

I have to say how great it was to read your post on Friday. I definitely felt the same way when saying goodbye. Im pretty horrible at goodbyes in general and feel like they kind of always end up being anticlimactic but especially after our great trip it felt like there should've been something more. It was weird being like, ok i guess I'll get on with my life now while at the same time thinking how I didn't want to.  I definitely also have to echo your statements on how great it was traveling with you. I was lucky to have you cook me oatmeal and quinoa and navigate maps and make up songs during moments of panic. I know we had our tougher moments during the trip but I really think that just goes to show how comfortable we are with each other that we can have times like that and be able to let it go.

The apple does change everything. I came to a holiday of sorts (the one we had to move up our trip for) which involved 5 hours of cooking so you can just imagine how much food that must be. I think we have enough to last through friday when we leave and not much of it is particularly healthy so I continue.

It's funny what you said about my mom not telling me how much she had to do while I wasn't there because I could tell she was dying to tell me just that. Thankfully she held back (mostly) and it was further diffused by my sister coming for the weekend so that's nice.

I'm weirdly jetlagged which really just means I have a healthier sleep schedule and wake up earlier so that actually works out well. Hopefully it continues like this and I won't have a tough time in India. I went through pictures and am in the process of uploading them now (seriously feel like we did these things months ago!), and thank you for uploading pics so soon as well. Talk to you later today!

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