Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A very happy 25th birthday to you!

I was just watching the episode of Friends where everyone turns 30 and during Rachel's birthday Tag goes, don't worry Rach I know totally how you feel. I'm so freaked out about turning 25.
I don't know why I thought I should share that because its not really all that funny but eh why not it goes with the theme.

So happy birthday! I hope it was wonderful and filled with videos of Hannah and treats made by your mom.

I loved your whole paragraph about not being able to see the forest through the trees and I think it's very apt as to how we often forget the bigger picture when we get caught up in the messy details of life. I think it is a double edged sword though because while yes, you should not get caught up in the details, you should stop to notice and appreciate the little joys which life brings you and all those tiny moments which bring a smile to your face because ultimately those will be the things that stick and you hold on to for a long time. Im not sure if my two points were related but it made sense in my head.

Spending days at home reading, seeing family friends and sleeping sounds absolutely wonderful. In fact I can't remember the last time I did that. Probably during a summer vacation whenever that last happened. Why do summer vacations stop happening. That seems like one of those things that should last throughout life.

I can't tell you how much I relate to the comment of fake it til you make it, but make it to what? I keep this excel calendar on my work computer to keep track of the days I have plans and today I added in a column for December and it just kind of blew my mind as to how the year is almost over and how Ive spent so much of this year just feeling lost and conflicted. I don't think I ever anticipated how long I would keep feeling like this, but I do think Ive gotten to a point where I can make more sense of it and keep it in perspective. Right now with my new team I am most definitely faking it because I cant seem to motivate myself enough to want to learn the work and understand it so Im just kind of scratching it at the surface and getting by. So seriously just faking it without knowing what I will make it to. I also partially think that there is no real making it. My dad once told me that he thinks its funny how people always talk about "settling down" when really there is no such thing as settling down. Life keeps moving and you have no choice but to keep moving with it (as I grow older I realize my dad is a lot wiser than I ever realized). I think this is the same sort of thing where things keep happening and changing and you have to keep up and ultimately if you are keeping up and you've decided on making something out of yourself and are working towards it then thats really all you can do. There is no making it because there is no end to that. Unless ofcourse you own JARS in which case you have already made it.

It's really interesting what you told me about your friends in more creative fields. That was definitely an eye-opener (Ive in fact thought about it several times since I read your last post) and makes me realize again that its all about perspective and while the grass might seem greener on the other side its really just greener where you water it (yes I did just quote a Justin Bieber song).  This also again reminds me of Defining Decade and how its natural to feel lost in your 20s but the key is to keep moving and working. So we just keep swimming.

I saw that you entered a sweepstakes for a trip on facebook. Please keep entering those and take me with you. I will do the same. This is key.

Very excited at the possibility of seeing Cabaret! Also, you should come visit me at my apartment sometime and I can make dinner for us or we can go eat at Blossom then write about it on trip advisor. I bet that would be fun. We can even point out all the jewish couples on dates at the local coffee bean. You are ofcourse welcome to stay over as well, but I understand the affinity one has for their own bed so I won't force it. Either way it would be lovely to have you! =)

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