Friday, August 8, 2014

A brief update and a not very exciting title

I thought I was going to post during my fast on Tuesday, but then a. I was out SHOPPING until after 4pm and b. We spoke Tuesday night, so it rendered me posting mostly moot. Since then I've been kind of busy actually.

As I mentioned, I started workingish for a woman, being paid to do errands, organize, help with computer stuff etc. So Wednesday morning, I ran a few of my own errands before going to work for this woman. Then I came home and got the house ready for Sabrina and the Hannahbear (Yay!) and was about to sit down to dinner when their flight landed early. I went to get them and then worked 9-12 yesterday and we went out to the pool for a brief period of time followed by- what else- errands. Today was mostly a stay in pajamas day, but when Hannah is here, I end up hardly being on my computer. Then my mom came home from food shopping and there was suddenly a lot of kitchen-related helping for me to do. Exciting stuff.

Hannahbear is delicious as always. She says really funny things and in the cutest voice. Today I was laying on the floor on my back with my knees up by my chest and she climbed onto my shins and said "giddyup!" She then ran away to find my sister's hat so she could truly be a cowboy. After bouncing her up and down for what seemed like eternity, I rested my legs on the ground. Her response? "Oh no! My horse broken!" So that made me laugh for a while. She also calls everything 'my' even when acknowledging it as someone else's (My Jenna's car, My Nana's phone...), which I find funny.

Other updates-

  • I got a new mattress pad. It's memory foam, and I'm still deciding if I like it, but it makes my bed even taller. 
  • I got to use my camera since the woman I'm working for wants help with her website, so I offered to take some pictures of her. 
  • I changed my calendar. True story.
  • Shua started med school and had his white coat ceremony. This isn't a ME update, but he's been waiting so long for this and he's worked so hard that it's like I really feel genuinely full-hearted about the whole thing. Like when you watch a sports movie and the hero scores the goal!
  • Sabrina and my mom are, as always, at odds with one another. Maybe this isn't an update...
  • I made an appointment Monday morning at the Austrian consulate. It's possible it'll be a waste of time because of the whole Polish thing, but I figured the easiest way was just to go talk to someone. So that's cool and also I'm not sure at all what to expect. 
I hope you left the office today saying "FRIDAY IS OVER." It seems like a good way to leave every day to be honest, but if anything, Friday! Maybe even "This week is over". I like thinking of you standing up and declaring that to the office. And everyone would just stare at you as you grab your stuff and march out. Maybe people would jump up and join you. Maybe you stay later than most people. 

You know that I definitely understand about holding on to unnecessary things that don't even have a tremendous amount of sentimental value. I think it's Biff and Jamal by the way. I kinda thought I had taken one of those, but now that I think about it (Well, I don't have them) my mom probably demanded that I didn't. I do remember that Jamal used to wear a balloon named Henry on his head. Good times. 

I took your advice sort of and listened to NPR a little this week. I didn't come across anything interesting, but I'm going to keep giving it tries. Plus I know you were talking about the podcasts, so maybe when I start working again those will go on my ipod.

Congrats on outwitting the essay interview company. When is the final round? It's crazy that it's all so formal. I've probably told you this, but for my Fallon interview, apparently the woman gave deliberately vague instructions for how to get there to see who could figure it out for themselves. Luckily, I passed, but it really does seem silly to have people jump through hoops for a coffee/errands type of internship. I mean, seriously folks... This working well under pressure thing makes a lot more sense. My dad was telling me that he has to take this interviewing course every year and he hates it because it's always the same. But he said they teach those horrible questions "When was a time you had to confront an angry whatever..." all based on these strange scenarios rather than instinct. I get that it has to be a little more scientific, but I think instincts probably give you a better idea. 


I'm so excited (again)! 
I keep thinking about the packing and hopefully it'll all work out, but the more I think about it, the more specific I get and that's helpful. I also was missing next week in my brain, so it seemed too soon and now I realized there is an extra week of Hannah. I hope the bags get here soon. I know that EARLIEST they won't come until mid-next week but I really want to see them. I'm happy with our decision. I returned all but my Lonely Planet books to the library. I also returned The Goldfinch again, because it was due, and decided that if I feel like it, I can finish it on my nook when it's not shabbos. It's just too much already. Won't it ever end??? I do like it most of the time actually, but it seriously won't END. 

Thank you for the last paragraph of your post. It was awesome and made me feel like a warm hug (like I was receiving one, not like I was one). You're right. You do know me pretty well. I guess I need to be better about thinking I still need to be careful not to say the wrong things about my close friends. Somehow I think I feel like if I say something too melodramatic or spiritual or political that my friends will decide they don't like me anymore. I mean, I know that's not true, consciously, but clearly I still censor. In any case, it seems like I'm not fooling anybody, or at least not you, since it hasn't stopped you from knowing who I am in any number of circumstances. A valuable lesson. 

Talk to you soon! <3

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