... is the last thing a character on Suits just said, but it seemed to fit well enough for me to not have to think of anything else. You know where to find me if you want that pizza again! No schemes necessary (though that would be fun).
The rally was pretty good. I mean it's kind of one of those things where saying "good" doesn't really convey the right sentiment, but it was well-attended (They say over 15,000 people) so that's a good strong showing. But they barely mentioned it on the news, nor the several in Chicago, DC or anywhere else. It's hard to feel like you're making a difference when things are only covered on websites that agreed with you in the first place. I read something once about relating to tragedy. I don't remember what it was about really, but I remember the most poignant point of it which was this: If you hear about a plane crash with 230 people on board, you say "That's horrible" or "That's so sad," but if you hear that a plane crashed with 230 New Yorkers (I use new yorkers because it's something we can both relate to, but the original used Jews), suddenly that really hurts. So yeah, when you feel it as real people and real situations, it really hurts.
Anyway, my feelings are numerous, so I'll leave it at that for now. I already talked to you about The Singles Project and have no new updates on that. Has anything changed with your work stuff? It sounds like a confusing situation. It's good that you feel comfortable going to your manager for clarification. Was he able to help? It must also feel a little more complicated because of getting ready to move on and now getting caught up in something more serious and formal here. I think you're right to just roll with what comes, but it does seem overwhelming, so I get it.
So in the same vein of overwhelming feelings, I think I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed about the trip. I've been anxious in general this week, and I can't quite put my finger on why, so it might just be carrying over. I'm super excited and in my head, it all seems easy and makes sense. But when I start seeing it on paper, it feels like whoa. I guess I'm nervous that there are things we're not going to get to, like Stavanger, and the more we book, the less flexibility we have to change our plan. Which is a good thing, I know. It's good we booked the flight from Bergen, for example. But I wonder if we hadn't, if we could have figured out some way to get to Stavanger. Except on the other hand, every day we try to fit in something new is less time somewhere else. And what if we find we wish we'd had more time in Copenhagen. How do we know if it's worth it to go to Odense? I know that it will all be great, because whatever we do will be amazing and there is really no wrong answer, I just needed to say it because it's how I'm feeling and that's kind of the point of this. I also want to make sure we're not running around so much or on so many trains that we don't have time to breathe and enjoy.
I feel like all my feelings are bringing this post down so I'm going to bid you a good night and a good Owen Wilson.
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