Monday, August 11, 2014

Like I was receiving one not like I was one

I had a pretty good day where I got to have lots of great conversations with people then I came back home to a huge bug in my room which my uncle tried to kill but it fled before he could get to it. Then I found a mosquito in my room (which would explain the random bites I have been receiving) and managed to kill it so its been a pretty traumatizing night bug wise and I'm kind of in that weird state where I feel itchy all over.

Anyways, errands sound fun...I always think to myself how I put off doing so many errands like getting a hair cut or picking up dry cleaning and it would be so nice to just have someone do it for me. So Im sure the woman you are doing the errands for definitely appreciates it. How is being with Hannahbear? She sounds adorable as always and I know you always enjoy your time with her so thats awesome  you get to have that extra week you didn't realize you had with her. Definitely don't blame you for the not being on your computer thing, hell I do that even when my sister and Sridhar(that's my brother in law's name I don't know why I never use his name and always refer to him as brother-in-law when its so much easier to just type Sridhar).

My weekend was busy and exhausting in good and bad ways. Friday was a religious holiday which was stressful because this is the one main one of the year and my mom always goes a little overboard on the preparations for it. Of course I had goodbye drinks for a friend of mine at work on Thursday so i couldnt come home super early which cause some pains with my mom but we got through it. It's hard this whole balancing priorities thing. Like yes I want to be there for my mom and help her when she needs it but these were goodbye drinks and I really don't know when I will see this person again. And my mom really could have simplified things for herself but she wanted everything done a specific way which caused a lot more stress. Obviously its great she takes such an interest in these things and enjoys doing it but yea I dont know I feel like Im talking in circles at this point. Its just hard this whole growing pains thing. But I really do think I need to start coming a bit stronger on what I want to do and be ok with my choices and not have to justify it to anyone including my mom.

In any case after getting through that Friday wasn't so bad, it was mostly relaxing then my sister came in the night. Sat was move in day which was the physically exhausting part. We managed to get all my stuff (which was not really all that much) up there in about 1.5 hrs and then had the rest of the day to assemble stuff.  I took everyone out for lunch and they all kept joking that the day was sponsored by me so they should enjoy it while it lasts and kept asking me questions like is ice cream included in the package? Is a horse carriage ride through central park included? In the end they got the ice cream, the horse will have to wait another day. We were able to finish moving and assembling around 4 so we had a couple hours just to roam around central park which was great. I'm definitely going to enjoy living right by it.

Sunday was another religious holiday, I didn't really participate in food prep because I got kind of faint/dehydrated from the day before but eventually I was fine and was able to participate in the eating part.

Other updates:
--> I thought my final round for the essay place was Wed because Im meeting with the head of the group, but it turns out there might be one after where I have to meet the CEO. Like seriously 5 rounds?! Should I perform a gymnastics routine at the end to top it off? Either way I hope it goes well.

--> Exciting on your memory foam topper! The mattress I bought for my apt is memory foam and I liked it when I took it out of the box I hope I still like it when I sleep in it!

--> I need a new calendar. True story.

--> So exciting about Shua starting medical school!

I've been listening to more podcasts and Im in love. Im not sure how normal NPR is but the NPR I listen to is called Ted hour radio where they discuss a few ted talks related to the same topic.  Maybe I can put a few on my ipod to listen to during the flight.  Speaking of....


I seriously cannot believe its next week that really snuck up on me. Also along the same lines I did not make it to the currency exchange today, its one of those things where its literally right across the street so I keep thinking I can go whenever and then I never end up going but I will make it tomm! I have a volunteer event in Brooklyn so im not really working in any case. I really need to get working on that to do list of ours. I keep thinking I have all weekend to do everything but I know that won't be enough time and I will freak out so I want to have as much looked up and planned as possible to avoid chaos. But Im sure things will be great!

As for food stuff I realized I have some quinoa at home that I can just put in a ziploc bag but either way Ill make a trip to Trader Joes this weekend to pick up some more stuff.

For some reason I feel like we've been talking about this for so long that now that its almost here I can't think of anything else I want to say about it. I did want to tell you though that this girl im friends with on facebook is currently in Norway with her boyfriend and they both were wearing jackets/northface type things and it was raining so I would definitely pack the rain jacket. My sister gave me hers along with her backpack so that makes my life a lot easier. Need to get packing.

Ok thats pretty much all thats me right now, but hope to hear your voice soon! We should have a trip related call before the end of this week if you can to tie up any loose ends. I will print things on wednesday.

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