Friday, August 29, 2014

Nothing has changed!

So this isn't true obviously, but it was one of our mottos and it is true in a lot of ways. Like how my mom will still complain about work a lot, and my cat will still pee on the carpet. It's probably too soon to say what has changed, well it definitely is, but I know that there will be things. It's already a little weird not to have my car.

More people texted me that I expected so that was nice. Checking in on how the trip was. And Kayli asking if i was available this Shabbos because she didn't know about the trip even though I am sure we talked about it when I saw her a few weeks ago. People can be funny. I still feel in a tired fog, but also a pleasant, reverse culture shock-y fog. Like I feel a bit separate and different, that feeling that you hope will stay even though you know it will settle. But it is worthwhile to recognize it and hold on to the thoughts and perspectives that you get out of it, so when I'm well rested, that will be my focus. Also finding work to replenish my finances and get me moving on an apartment. 

My dad liked his magnet! Actually I don't know if I've ever gotten such a reaction from him, but maybe he was just surprised I got something at all. He even said he has some metal cabinets at work to put it on, which is funny and nice because every tchachke type thing I've ever gotten him in the hopes that he would put it on his desk has sat in his bedroom (like a 10 year old stuff dog that says "World's Greatest Dad" or whatever)

It was strangely unceremonious saying goodbye to you today, but I wasn't sure how to change it. I guess I know that I will talk to you soon and see you soon and write in here too. But I will say that it was wonderful traveling with you and I am SO glad we did it. I was so lucky to have you to be organized and plan and have a Barclay's folder and eat pastries with me and laugh at the Queen's hobbies and all the crazy stuff. I feel very lucky to have a friend that I can do something crazy and amazing with. <3

I went home and ate sushi that my mom had bought for me. I want to be able to say it had nothing on Denmark sushi because that's the fancy traveler thing to say, but it was actually really good, despite coming from a supermarket. I feel like I need to update you as if you are my journal now. The show must go on!!!

Do you ever have a movie stuck in your head? I have that with Chocolat. Like I keep catching glimpses of it that I can't quite place and it's messing with my brain considering it's mixing with the tired fog. I also keep walking around as if I've forgotten something. It's unsettling. My mom loved the almonds and the delicious chocolate croissant, but we have yet to try to little petit four chocolates. I'll let you know. She actually bought an array of Shabbos food to give me the choice today. So I was able to choose meat after all. I had an apple to feel a little better about diet stuff. Surely, this changes everything. 

I will upload photos over the weekend, and I'll see if they can go into Dropbox. My guess is there will be too many, but we'll see. There are other ways. We can always zip it and do Yousendit or one of those. It takes a long time to download, but you get the original files that way as far as I know. I hope you had some nice quality time with Sid, that you're still awake, and that it's nice being back with your mother. I hope she isn't telling you about how much she had to do in your absence, and I hope everything for Sunday is underway! Talk to you soon. I shall miss you tonight if I'm conscious. 

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