A happy Owen Wilson to you! I thought you should know that I've been thinking nonstop about that potato pizza. I've dreamed up ways to recreate it.I've thought of excuses for me to be in the neighborhood again. I've come up with elaborate schemes involving traps to casually run into it again. Maybe I'm hyping it up in my head and it wasn't really THAT good. But I think it really was.
How was your rally? It's crazy to think how helpless everyone here must feel with everything going on overseas. And also how it all kind of seems like a convoluted story when you're just reading about it on the news or watching it on TV. Like you're so used to this type of stuff being dramatized in books and movies that you again become desensitized to it in a way. But when you think about it being real people and real situations and lives it's just so awful and unbelievable.
On a different note, what happened with the Singles Project job thing? I'm not sure if you told me there was some sort of timeline with you deciding, or meeting someone about it but I was thinking about it today and it seemed like a really cool show that I would watch. I keep imagining an MTV show, like you know the one where they have a person and they meet 3 people in a truck and then decide to go on a date with them? Or like millionaire matchmaker. I'm sure this is neither so it makes me all the more interested to find out what it is.
This week has been really strange for me so far. The only way I can think to describe it is it feels like I'm in the eye of the hurricane. Like the past couple weeks all these things have been going on and Ive been overwhelmed yet excited and struggling to keep up with everything, but this week just seems a bit slow. Things are still happening (like our exciting trip planning), but I don't know it just seems a bit off. Like even how it was strangely chilly today which makes no sense for a day in July. That was just off. I really wish I had a less vague way of describing how I feel.
So in my current job, last week my VP basically gave me the chance to move to a different part of my team and work on new projects which I was really excited to hear because even though I do want to move on to a new company it's also really frustrating at work right now not having much to do so this would at least give me the chance to make myself useful. Today I met with the woman who would be my new manager (for all the new projects), and I was expecting it to be like a semi-training session with her telling me all the new stuff I would be working on, but it was actually like this really weird interview session where she kept telling me this wasn't a sure thing but she liked my background so she would meet with other people and see what she could do. So that really threw me off, I told my manager and he said he would look into it but it threw me off because I just thought it wouldn't be too much of a change but I would just get more work, whereas now it seems like working for the same company just doing a completely different job and starting from square 1 on a new team where I don't even want a real future. So that makes things a lot more complicated and annoying. Either way I know in these times I should be patient and see what plays out, so will keep you posted on that.
nah nah nah nah TRIP TALK:
So it seems a bit pointless to do this since we are pretty much constantly talking about this anyways but I think something we should do (maybe on the phone this sunday?) is make a packing list. Next weekend I'll be busy moving (and I have 2 religious holidays, 1 on friday and 1 on sunday) so I feel like this is our last real weekend to have everything down. I also think we should think about booking the in between trains and boats for the fjords because if its through nsb.no, those things do sell out. I know a lot of people say planning is the most fun part but I'm honestly really excited to get there and start experiencing things. Also, note to self (and to you), must get tons of sleep and relax the weekend before we leave to make sure our health is tip-top before leaving for our trip.
I haven't really figured out how I'm going to get to the airport yet on the Tuesday we leave, I can either work from home and drive to you (which may make more sense in terms of coming back home), or go to work and take the subway to JFK.
Have you heard anything else from Mette at all? I still need to plan out Denmark a little bit more but its always easier with cities when we can just bike places. I wish I had a bike at home so I can reassure myself that I know how to ride a bike.
I totally agree with you on the getting to see how people live in other places being the best part of travelling. If there's one thing I got from my Euro trip last year is that cities worldwide may be similar (lots of hustle and bustle, buildings, people), but the way people live in them is so completely different. Like in Madrid, how there are all these old streets in the middle and then in the outskirts its like these big office building. And how the people can go work in those big office buildings and do the whole corporate life thing similar to say NYC, and then go watch a bull fight (aka watch a bull get slaughtered) on the weekend like its the most normal thing in the world.
I like seeing the sights and learning the history, Id say my favorite is looking at nature or just awesome amazing things in general. I think I see sights mainly because I never want to go to a place and miss out on of the essential things about that place.
On the job front, my recruiter sent me a role again today which was similar to the one I rejected last week and normally I just go for it because its good interviewing experience, and its also a way to learn more about a different organization yadda yadda, but I think Ive finally made it to place in my job search where Im kind of sick of going through all these motions and just want something thats right to work out. I have faith that it will work out, and that it will work out at the right time, but I can't say its easy watching other people move on while I just have to wait my turn.
I'm not sure its about being picky though. Like ok yes on a basic level it is because we can afford to not have to take the first job thats offered to us. But beyond that level I feel like its just knowing what is right for you and having the ability to go after that.
You should definitely use the 5 years question, I feel its adaptable to any interview anywhere. If I'm feeling really hardcore I will ask, Where do you see this company (or role/team) in 5 years and how can I help you get there?
I sometimes wish my job was coaching other people how to get the jobs they want. Or just things they want in life. I feel I would make a good life coach if I knew my clients well.
How was your rally? It's crazy to think how helpless everyone here must feel with everything going on overseas. And also how it all kind of seems like a convoluted story when you're just reading about it on the news or watching it on TV. Like you're so used to this type of stuff being dramatized in books and movies that you again become desensitized to it in a way. But when you think about it being real people and real situations and lives it's just so awful and unbelievable.
On a different note, what happened with the Singles Project job thing? I'm not sure if you told me there was some sort of timeline with you deciding, or meeting someone about it but I was thinking about it today and it seemed like a really cool show that I would watch. I keep imagining an MTV show, like you know the one where they have a person and they meet 3 people in a truck and then decide to go on a date with them? Or like millionaire matchmaker. I'm sure this is neither so it makes me all the more interested to find out what it is.
This week has been really strange for me so far. The only way I can think to describe it is it feels like I'm in the eye of the hurricane. Like the past couple weeks all these things have been going on and Ive been overwhelmed yet excited and struggling to keep up with everything, but this week just seems a bit slow. Things are still happening (like our exciting trip planning), but I don't know it just seems a bit off. Like even how it was strangely chilly today which makes no sense for a day in July. That was just off. I really wish I had a less vague way of describing how I feel.
So in my current job, last week my VP basically gave me the chance to move to a different part of my team and work on new projects which I was really excited to hear because even though I do want to move on to a new company it's also really frustrating at work right now not having much to do so this would at least give me the chance to make myself useful. Today I met with the woman who would be my new manager (for all the new projects), and I was expecting it to be like a semi-training session with her telling me all the new stuff I would be working on, but it was actually like this really weird interview session where she kept telling me this wasn't a sure thing but she liked my background so she would meet with other people and see what she could do. So that really threw me off, I told my manager and he said he would look into it but it threw me off because I just thought it wouldn't be too much of a change but I would just get more work, whereas now it seems like working for the same company just doing a completely different job and starting from square 1 on a new team where I don't even want a real future. So that makes things a lot more complicated and annoying. Either way I know in these times I should be patient and see what plays out, so will keep you posted on that.
nah nah nah nah TRIP TALK:
So it seems a bit pointless to do this since we are pretty much constantly talking about this anyways but I think something we should do (maybe on the phone this sunday?) is make a packing list. Next weekend I'll be busy moving (and I have 2 religious holidays, 1 on friday and 1 on sunday) so I feel like this is our last real weekend to have everything down. I also think we should think about booking the in between trains and boats for the fjords because if its through nsb.no, those things do sell out. I know a lot of people say planning is the most fun part but I'm honestly really excited to get there and start experiencing things. Also, note to self (and to you), must get tons of sleep and relax the weekend before we leave to make sure our health is tip-top before leaving for our trip.
I haven't really figured out how I'm going to get to the airport yet on the Tuesday we leave, I can either work from home and drive to you (which may make more sense in terms of coming back home), or go to work and take the subway to JFK.
Have you heard anything else from Mette at all? I still need to plan out Denmark a little bit more but its always easier with cities when we can just bike places. I wish I had a bike at home so I can reassure myself that I know how to ride a bike.
I totally agree with you on the getting to see how people live in other places being the best part of travelling. If there's one thing I got from my Euro trip last year is that cities worldwide may be similar (lots of hustle and bustle, buildings, people), but the way people live in them is so completely different. Like in Madrid, how there are all these old streets in the middle and then in the outskirts its like these big office building. And how the people can go work in those big office buildings and do the whole corporate life thing similar to say NYC, and then go watch a bull fight (aka watch a bull get slaughtered) on the weekend like its the most normal thing in the world.
I like seeing the sights and learning the history, Id say my favorite is looking at nature or just awesome amazing things in general. I think I see sights mainly because I never want to go to a place and miss out on of the essential things about that place.
On the job front, my recruiter sent me a role again today which was similar to the one I rejected last week and normally I just go for it because its good interviewing experience, and its also a way to learn more about a different organization yadda yadda, but I think Ive finally made it to place in my job search where Im kind of sick of going through all these motions and just want something thats right to work out. I have faith that it will work out, and that it will work out at the right time, but I can't say its easy watching other people move on while I just have to wait my turn.
I'm not sure its about being picky though. Like ok yes on a basic level it is because we can afford to not have to take the first job thats offered to us. But beyond that level I feel like its just knowing what is right for you and having the ability to go after that.
You should definitely use the 5 years question, I feel its adaptable to any interview anywhere. If I'm feeling really hardcore I will ask, Where do you see this company (or role/team) in 5 years and how can I help you get there?
I sometimes wish my job was coaching other people how to get the jobs they want. Or just things they want in life. I feel I would make a good life coach if I knew my clients well.
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