Usually, I go in order of your post when responding to it, but I just spent a while reading the Waitbutwhy, and it's at the top of my brain right now. I hear what it's saying, and I like it but it's also depressing, since there is no real solution except for a few suggestions at the end. Sometimes the thought that I'm not appreciating the "NOW" enough is what ends up stressing me out. But I agree that we don't always get the full picture of what others are doing and it's not helpful to compare ourselves to them based on that half-picture. I like how you put it better. Life isn't just the big moments but the moments in between. Some of my favorite memories are of small days when I had a spontaneous day of randomly pleasant things happening. It's not much for a story, but those are often the times that I look back on most fondly. I would like to check out the book you recommended though, even if my New Year's Resolution was to stop reading lists about my 20s.
Being Erica was a great show but you're right. I usually lose people somewhere between "Canadian" and "Lifetime." C'est La Vie. I'm glad you decided to go with your mom. You missed some crazy biblical storm clouds here, so it was probably for the best. Plus, when you don't end up doing those things and it turns out to be for no reason, it's always disappointing. Better this way. Hope North Carolina is fun! Is it near Asheville? It's an up-and-coming restaurant town.
As for the apostrophes, whatever makes you happy. Though I can't pretend I didn't notice the wrong 'your' in the title. I thought about going in and changing it but my journalistic integrity kept me from it. Also laziness. I will let you know about August. My newest development is I have an interview for one of the Live positions on Monday. I actually am more excited about this one that the other one. It's part production, part publicity, and it isn't in the basement like the other one. So I asked that my mom solidify which week Sabrina is coming by the end of the week so that I could have dates in mind in case a job comes up. That way if I want to I can say I already have things booked. But only if I know the dates! So hopefully they deal with it tomorrow. And yay (?) about the GMAT!
The family stuff is so interesting because it's a major way we're different among the ways we're so similar. On to books! I think I'll skip The Chosen for now. Maybe some other time. Sharp Objects was really good in a lot of ways. I really like her style, but you should definitely not go into it expecting Gone Girl. I haven't read Dark Places yet, so I can't compare the messed-up-ness to Sharp Objects. It's pretty messed up in some ways, but I think that's just her. Who knows.
Management Consultant! That's what they do in House of Lies. I hope that's not too true to life for your sake. They seem crazy. But it does seem like a good idea to be able to just walk into a company and be like "You're doing it wrong." I've always wanted to be a consultant for commercials. There are just so many I see that I'm like "That joke would have been funny if..." or "that was the completely wrong casting." Shouldn't that totally be a job??? According to Linkedin, I know no one who can help you, unless a financial consultant is related? But I don't think so because this guy's company seems to do interior design. Stupid John Legend.
I hate when people don't have the right reaction to something. Maybe it's a symptom of what it said in that blog post: "Humans have the ability to simulate future situations in our heads to predict what it’ll be like to experience them." Maybe it's just something that you build up as a big event that maybe other people don't think is? I do, of course, but I think a lot of my friends parents think it's just a right of passage. My mother thinks it's an aggressive statement about how much I love her. So, to each her own. But actually, no. You first apartment? That's a huge deal! It's a whole new chapter of life. One of those moments that you'll remember as a milestone. Not to put too much pressure on the situation or anything, but that's how I would feel.
I'm so glad you brought your laptop so that you could write. We've posted every day this week! Our Ukrainian reader will be so excited! I'm not going to be able to do tomorrow night obviously, but technically, this is my Friday post, so it'll be Saturday night then, assuming you write back between now and then (no pressure). Have a fun 4th and a wonderful time with your family!
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