There's a bunch of stuff I need to cover here, so I'm going to make myself a list so that I don't get distracted and remember to hit it all.
1. Vision Boards
2. Work
3. Family
5. Things you need to comment on
6. Your sister!
7. Whatever else comes to mind
It's crazy that you brought up making a list of goals for the new year, since that is one of the things I forgot to put in my last post. It's crazier still that something I said actually made you think of it, since in my mind I didn't even go near it! FATE! I've been thinking I need a Bucket List lately, but I like your idea too. I want them to be things I'm actively working on, but calling them New Year's Resolutions is a little high pressure. Here's what I've got so far (that I can remember offhand)
1. Learn a new language well enough to really speak it--- AND actually speak it somewhere
2. Live abroad
3. Learn to drive stick
4. Start a blog (or decide I really don't want to)- I know this sounds like an 'out' in the name of laziness, but it's more of an 'out' in the name of figuring out I really don't want something.
5. Learn how to properly use my camera
Here's what I'm adding now:
6. Move out.
7. Write more
8. Let go of anger, focus on the positive
9. Try new things (on a regular basis)
10. Read two books a month (Ambitious!)
11. Start my scrapbook
Maybe if you stay until after Shabbat when you come we can do an art project! (By the way in terms of your transport dilemma- I know it's a pain in the ass to go by train. But if you stay until after Shabbos, then I can drive you back to the subway at least if that makes things easier. It ends around 5:20 these days. So if that helps...)
Moving on, work is going pretty well. Don't get me wrong, I'm realllly happy being on vacation, but it's markedly better than my last job, so I'm really keeping that in mind and basking in the non-housewives-yness of it. I have to start coming in a half hour earlier when I go back because my boss finally figured out just how early I need to leave on Fridays. I mean, I was upfront about it, but I guess it took him a minute to register it. The problem is that there wasn't really that much work to do, so I don't mind putting in the extra time if I need to (even if it means waking up super early) but now it's just this symbolic half hour when I have the same amount of work to do. But there are definitely bigger problems. Plus, we'll probably be busier after the break since hopefully a bunch of submissions will have come in and we'll be scheduling more people. At least that's the theory. I'm not so sure it'll be the reality. The other problem I've been having is that - and you're gonna be shocked by this one- I don't know anything about fashion. I'm used to doing my fair share of learning about a new world when I take on a new casting project, but I'm really starting at zero with this one. I'm getting better, but I feel a little useless when I have to keep asking my producer if something is legitimate experience or resume nonsense. I think this is just a bit of a microcosm of how stupid you generally feel when starting a new job, which means that freelancing basically sucks in that sense, but I'm focusing on the getting better part of it. And how I organized the whole casting process and streamlined it for the east and west coast teams. That part is nice. Also a competition series is familiar territory, it's closer to the train than the last one, and I get out around 6:30 every night, which is great. I also had this really refreshing conversation with my boss, the head of the casting company that I now work for, about how disgusting people in this business can be and how he will say no to clients if what they're looking for as "good tv" is just people being terrible and breaking up families and all that "drama" stuff. It was really nice to hear. There's also been a tiny voice in my head saying maybe if I just lean into this career and stop worrying about what I'm missing and what timeline I have to be on to start over, maybe I can make a go of it. It's a tiny, tiny voice.
Hannahbear is adorable. Poor thing has a rash from an allergic reaction to amoxicillin. Her new thing is that she likes to reminisce about things. Like she was looking at pictures on Sabrina's phone and saw one of her and a friend and said "Remember when Rora and me went to ice cream?" It's really funny for a two and a half year old, especially since she get's times messed up a bit. Like I took her to get Mischief's medicine from the Vet so she could see the bunnies there and she said to mischief yesterday "Mischief, remember when I went to your doctor next week?" My mom was sick yesterday and today and my sister was also not feeling well today, so I'm a little annoyed about playing nurse/housekeeper/babysitter. Especially since my father does nothing. And doesn't even seem to realize it. Or acknowledge that if it's anyone's job, it's probably his. Plus, I feel like this was my life the last time I saw them! And I know it sucks more to be the one that's sick. And being sick sucks. And no one ASKED to be sick. But here I am playing Suzy Homemaker on my vacation. And not leaving the house. Just a little bit of a vent.
Volunteering, traditionally, is not my thing. But that's a really stupid thing to say, because it's basically like saying that being a good person is not really my thing. So I retract it. I'm definitely no against it, but I would like to learn more about it before agreeing to it. Like what kind of volunteering is this? Is it with kids? Where would this be? Near Cusco or, like, Lima or something? It would be cool to see Lima, but it's pretty far away from Cusco. What's the money situation? They really provide everything and you just do transport? Is it safe? I don't know why this question needs to be asked, but I thought it so I wrote it. Also how would it all work with Shabbos? The more I think about it, the more I really like this idea since it's a really unique experience and it's more of a way to get to see the people and the culture. I definitely prefer the earlier option dates-wise, so we're on the same page there, Purim or no. Maybe I can bring a Megillah with me (traditional reading that we read on Purim) and read it. Or you know, just dress up for the day :)
Here's what I will say before I get too ahead of myself. The two weeks thing is stressing me out. I think it's because if I do this Germany/Austria thing they'll be really close together and that's a lot of money spent/time I'm not working. Then another part of me is like "these are both great opportunities, so shut up sensible/scared Jenna" So yeah, your thoughts on that would be welcome.
One more thing to think about/plan around is the altitude. I've read that the altitude can make you sick in that area, and I honestly don't remember the advice I read for where to go first to adjust to it before going to the other place, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
Also Number 4 :
Things you need to comment on- This is a brief one. Mainly I think it's the Germany trip and the fact that you said you wanted to address the moving out discussion.
So exciting that it's a girl! And so funny that you guys were thinking boy. I'm so excited that I get to know! And that you get to tell people! I have to be honest, keeping it a secret was a nightmare. Always afraid that I would be the one to slip and spoil it. I'm so jealous of them and New Zealand. Perhaps if we go there, those fjords can be ours too.
I really liked your paraphrasing of the Christmas article. I have to say I've never really thought about any of it that way, but it's kind of extremely true isn't it. And I love your comment about not telling that person it's lame that she doesn't celebrate Diwali. SO TRUE. But then again from the other side, the people that honestly belief in the religious nature of the holiday don't believe in any of this celebration stuff either so it's all very confusing. In the end, it's the merchandisers who win every time. Have a great New Year's if I don't talk to you before! I haven't figured out my plan yet honestly, but yours sounds lovely, so enjoy that!
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