Hope you're enjoying India. I'm a having a blast with Hannahbear and I got my camera today!!! Here are some lovely pictures:
They were taking at Max's work party that we went to today. It was at his company's hangar and she was playing in the plane. She is so funny and has so much personality. She was moving the steering wheel yelling "I'm the captain!" She makes us watch the music video for 'Happy' eighteen times a day, dances along with it, and then says "Happy Song again?" I was killing time with her in a hallway outside my sister's doctor's office and she kept lifting a leg and saying "I'm a ballerina!" I have a million little anecdotes, and every day brings even more which really warms my heart.
In terms of traveling I was thinking we can try and do Scandinavia- Norway, Sweden, Denmark- if possible. I think I'll try and get in touch with my writing friend in Denmark and ask her if she thinks that's possible. I also have a friend that lived in Sweden most of her life and married a Swede, and I can maybe ask her, but I didn't go to her wedding on Memorial Day and haven't spoken to her since. It was really impractical (Delaware) and I had so much up in the air and all the stuff with my mom etc. And she said it was fine, but I don't know. Maybe it's just my impression of what's happening because I feel a little guilty. We met at Chopped but she left last June and I've basically seen her twice since then, so I didn't feel we were so close, but maybe she felt differently.
So anyway, yeah, we should look into Scandinavia when we both get home. How is India? How is your grandmother and the rest of your family? Is it nice being away? Is it a million degrees? I'd love to here about it.
And yes! I do like your blog. I meant to elaborate on my feelings when I saw you at dinner last week, but I forgot and we were talking about so many other things. I love having a window into your mind. It's like all those little stream of consciousness thoughts I miss out on not seeing you often and not living with you anymore are there for me to read now. And then are interesting and challenging too!
Did you get the ebooks I sent you before you left? I hope so. Or I hope they come in handy at some point. That's all I got for now. I'm too tired for the angst right now. It's nice to be able to put them on hold at least a little bit while I'm in St. Louis, although Sabrina is anxious about similar future planning insecurities, so that doesn't help. It's interesting trying to analyze the source of anxieties we both share though. I want a deep ending, but all I keep thinking is my neck hurts. So. Goodnight!
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