Sunday, March 2, 2014

On a Roll!

I'm glad you liked it! I totally get that feeling (Like when I read Jessica Darling books- still haven't finished by the way). I'm glad you felt that way because I could have gone on, but as it was I was like "Is this too melodramatic and intense?"

YES! I can't wait to have you over at my FLAT! HA! It's strange trying to balance putting it out there for it to happen and managing my expectations so I'm not too bummed if it doesn't, but I think I'm doing a pretty good job. I go through moments or days sometimes where it seems like the scariest thing I can possibly think of, but then that eventually turns into fuel. Because if it seems scary, that means it's more than just a fantasy and I'm doing something right!

I'm not going to address everything in your post, even though I want to, because I think ultimately that's what makes it seem like a big task to keep this going and maintain the conversation, so instead, here's a new song I like:


Off to send out resumes and then buy cat food and - if I'm lucky- a new dress for this Journal dinner thingy I'm going to next weekend (of course, the second I committed to going, I got invited to two parties that same night that I actually may have gone to. Typical. (except the parties I might have gone to parts...)

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