So I have great news! I started working at Chopped last week. I started on Wednesday!It's the same woman I've been working for but she's not going to be in the office until April. I've been working directly with someone that I worked with on the other projects too though, so that's been good. Everyone I've met so far has been really nice and you can feel the difference between a four person team that thrown together and a 20-season operation. It's cool being on a real established show. It's cool being in a real office where other industry folk are (They edit this FX show called The Americans across the hall from me). It cool having a desk and a phone and a work email. But I think the weirdest thing is going to be in a few weeks when interns start. I'm not sure I'm quite prepared for being above interns. Should be interesting.
For the next week or so I'll be getting out of work at 6, so still later than you but most likely as early as it's going to get for me personally, so if we'd like to do dinner again these would be the weeks to do so. I assume you wouldn't want to come down to Soho or The Village (understandably) but if you did, you'd probably get down here by the time I'm out of work and then we could go eat. And it would be my neighborhood, so much to my dismay, I would be obligated to find a place to go. Just some thought for food... (hah!)
I feel like I have much more to say, but since I've seen you recently, the catch-up multi-paragraph format is less relevant. I'm still posting on my writing prompt blog, although working makes it harder, especially on Fridays because I get home JUST before sundown and really have other things to be doing right then. But my German reader doesn't seem to mind yet. We shall see... Oh! I don't think the second weekend in April is going to work because I realized my mom will be cooking for Pesach that week a lot and probably will want Friday/Saturday off. SOOO can we tentatively change it to tentatively the third week in April??? Let me know. Also, are you back on facebook yet? Because if so, I'm going to start bowl-nudging you there again. A whole email seems weird.
I'm off to go enjoy what is left of my Sunday which was mostly eaten by errands.
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