Thursday, July 12, 2012

Auntie Jenna?


How is work? I want to hear all the details! Who do we like? Who do we not like? How goes the training?

I finally have an answer to "what's new" because of the adorable little baby girl. Her name is Hannah Sophia. And I'm in love with her. She has this little button nose and I'm so jealous of everyone who gets to touch it and kiss it while I watch through video chat. But at least I have that. She looks so snuggly all cuddled in her multiple blankets (something about regulating temperature). Birth is crazy. Like one minute she's inside a person and now she is a person. Very very weird. Even my sister says it's surreal.
Her new hat with a cute little bow
Her hebrew name, in case you're curious is Sara (pronounced Suh-Ruh) Chaya (pronounced with the 'ch' back of your throat sound) This is what it looks like in hebrew: שרה חיה. Chaya and the 'H' name (Hannah) are after my grandmother and Sophia/Sara are for Max's grandmother. I can't wait to go meet her. I think I'm going in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile I spend all day staring at her. She's just the cutest thing.

How do you feel about Auntie Jenna? I kinda like Auntie J but it seems a little too "stop trying to make 'fetch' happen." People have been calling me Auntie Jenna or Auntie Jen though, which I am happy with. People keep joking about Tanta- which is yiddish for aunt and also disgusting and I will beat them if they call me that. 

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