I'm making this a quick post and, as such, don't have the time to refer back to what you wrote in yours. I'm sure you'll understand. I'm at work again, but I won't be here on Thursday because starting tonight through Thursday night is Shavuot (not sure how it's translated) when we got the torah. We eat only dairy. We (mostly just the men) stay up all night learning on the first night (tonight) and then lunch on the first day (tomorrow) gets screwed up as a result. My mom makes awesome home made blintzes (google for reference). Maybe when you come in July she will already have made them for the nine days (also all dairy) and you'll be able to taste their amazingness. Or maybe there will be a couple leftover, although I can't guarantee that.
Today I went out on a run to pick up a gift from the company to Susan Lucci (google for reference) and deliver it, but then it turns out that she's in LA right now so I just came back and went home. Right now I'm waiting for someone to bring me an episode of this show All Worked Up so that I can double check the transcription. It's slow work, transcribing, but it's pretty cool, especially since the episodes haven't aired yet.
I'm glad your drive isn't that long. Super happy to hear about that. I was thinking that since I'm not working everyday, I could try and win broadway lottery tickets on one of my off days and you could meet me after work. Our chances would be lesser since I would just have one entry not two, but let's be honest, how good are our chances anyway? I have this anxiety to see the Book of Mormon since it's already the "hot new show" and pretty soon... idk it'll be harder to get tickets? But they already have a lottery so it's obviously already hard.
Are you done with training? What's the work like? There are a lot of things to be said for having a chill environment, but sometimes I wish there was something organized for us to do. Be careful what you wish for though. It's nice here. I like the people. So far the interns are nice (meaning I haven't met them all, not that I expect some of them to turn evil). Aside from the commute (just as long as last year if not longer it turns out), it's sweet.
I need your help. I want to start a blog but every time I try, I have anxiety about what to call it. I created one called TVidiocy which was cute and clever, but then I decided I wanted a more general name because I don't want it to just be about TV. Just Vidiocy would have been fine but it was taken. I wonder if I tried Videocy. hmmm... Anyway. Before I get bogged down by design and content I need a name. Help? Sometimes I have a learning curve, and recently "blog format" just kind of entered my brain and I keep thinking "that would be good in a blog" and not having a blog to put it in. So yeah that's my project for you. I guess this isn't that short. Oh well. Hope you have a good day! And that you come up with a catchy blog name for me. (Jennifhsieh was taken...)
<3 J
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