Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lorem Ipsum

Thats the title of default blog templates dunno why or what it means. I had actually written another entry on my iphone titled bubbly toes but it got deleted which was annoying. But in any case very sorry to hear about your toe that sounds quite awful and i hope it gets better very very soon! Toe problems are always annoying since you know you use your feet so much but Im sure it will get better soon. 

So Im watching this indian movie where the main charc goes back in time to like medival india and I must say it would be awesome to go back in time to that era because all the women seem to do( the royal ones anyways) is lay around all decked out in their womens quarters. Ok that was a sidetrack but anyways when your toe does get better do let me know and we will def schedule a dinner. Also July 8 is fast approaching (yay!) hopefully the weekend still works for you but I need to figure out logisitcs. What is your friday usually like? Because my two options are either coming to the city via the path or going back to harrison where my car is usually parked and then driving to queens. Id obviously rather go the public transport way but if driving ends up being easier then that is what I will do. I usually leave work around 5 on fridays so Ill plan according to that lemme know what you suggest.

So i started watching that show flashforward which you told me about a year and a half ago and I had on my laptop ever since then and its pretty good. Im about halfway through season 1 but i dont know whether its even still on air because its been a while since iv heard anything about it. But it brings me back to my heroes days so yea. Also the only show im actually keeping up with is sytycd and while I wasnt too heartbroken over anyone who went home (except Nick just because I thought he was really cute) I still dont think Ryan or Ricky are going to last very long. And I was surprised they decided to keep Ryan over Melissa ( well not like shocked just like oh weird)  because they kept saying she didnt do anything wrong.

So my last intern event was at this really upscale bowling alley in the city called lucky strikes and it was like a bowling alley/ bar/lounge and it reminded me of that place by your house thats an over 21 bowling alley. Ok so let me know about the 8th but enjoy your week otherwise! <3

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Karma Karma Karma Chameleon

It's funny, because right before (or possibly a couple of days) it was on So You Think You Can Dance, I sang Ain't no Sunshine in a VYou response. So when I saw it on the show I was like WHAT. It was cool. But still, not a Ryan fan. I would've like her performance with a little more subtlety, but you already knew that because YOU FOLLOW MY BLOG. I officially put it in my bio section for VYou yesterday. Exciting.

So I was at internship number 2 yesterday, but I had to go run home to a podiatrist appointment. I don't know if I told you this, but my toe has a death wish. It's the second toe on my left foot. I stubbed probably two and a half three months ago, and I'm sure it hurt at the time, as such things do, but I guess it didn't really seem especially painful. Following that, there were some times that it hurt- not crazy, just noticeable. And it caused me to say "huh... my toes hurts... weird." At one point (since this was still at school) Tali suggested it might be an ingrown toenail. But it was pretty minor and I forgot about it. I remembered again when it starting hurting at home but then forgot again because we went to St. Louis.

A little while after that the pain got a tiny bit worse. Still not what I would call bad, but it went from barely noticeable ache, to recognizable pain I guess. So my mom made me go to the podiatrist. My regular one wasn't there, so I saw the other guy, who told me there was a small fracture, to which my reaction was "really? Huh... I can't believe there's actually something wrong with it." So I went on wrapping it in clingy stuff as instructed for about a week and a half. On the day of the Israeli Day Parade I walked a lot in sneakers, which the doctor had told me to wear (I spent the other days in sandals, obvs, but for the walking I thought doctors orders would probably a good idea).

The next morning I woke up at about 6:30 am in pain. Actual pain this time, which gave me a sneaking suspicion that it was not doing its part healing. I called the doctor and went in for an appointment that day. This time I got to see the right guy. He said there was (I'll bleep out the details for grossness reasons) ------ that was caused by walking in the sneakers and made my toe worse. He cleaned the ---------- and I bandaged and soaked the toe twice a day for a week.

The next week I came back and learned that the -------- was really cause by a -------- under the ----------. Part of the --------- came off and he took some off and said now it would heal. Then I went again last night. Did I mention I wait an hour every time I go? It was still not healing properly so he gave the toe Novocaine shots and took off the rest of the -----------. Now it's super gauzed and it hurts a lot when I walk/move it. Needless to say it's frustrating.

And that's why I couldn't do dinner. Don't think I can do Wed. either because I end at 3 and it might be ridiculous to stick around. But we'll see. Next monday, shock, I have another podiatrist appointment. However, after next week I think I'm going to switch my workdays so I'm in the city Monday and Tuesday and in NJ Wednesday and Thursday. I'll be in NB but maybe we can hang out on Wednesday nights anyway. Plus it'll be after THE WEDDING so I'll be able to breathe do stuff again. Hope to see you or maybe just gchat or skype soon!

<3 J

Saturday, June 18, 2011

there's no sunshine when youre gone

so in case you hadnt guessed that was one of my favorite dances of last week. I dont know why maybe it was because of the song choice or because im a fan of lyrical hip hop in general but that one really stuck with me and iv already watched it a bunch of times. I do get what youre saying about her smile being of the wrong variety though. Also i forget his name (Nick maybe) but Ivetta's partner for the quickstep was so freaking adorable so i love him now. That is all.

Speaking of SYTYCD, I met my senior mentor in my internship for the first time on friday, hes like in a high position in another dept so it was hard setting up a meeting with him but when we finally met we ended up getting along great and I told him I was on the ballroom dancing team at Rutgers and we ended up talking about sytycd because his wife and kids make him watch that show. And then afterwards he told me I had a great personality. Just more proof that tv leads people to success.

Im really glad your internship is going well, mines pretty swell right now too cept my junior mentor ( whos pretty much the one teaching me my job)'s wife is going to have a baby soon so once that happen iono what ill do but heres hoping ill be pro at everything by then. And either way everyone else in my dept is helpful so im sure i can manage somehow but still scary. I wish Ninja Jenna was a show so I could catch up on your life on a weekly basis and all you would have to do is be the star of it. I suggest you start getting a team toghether to make that happen. I'll be watching out for the promos on tv.

The bad part about working though is that I seem to have a nonexistent social life, as the only people I see nowadays that i dont work with are my parents and Ela because she lives around the block. I keep trying to make things happen on friday which ends up being a horrible idea since when friday rolls around all I want to do is sleep. But I love the idea of meeting you for dinner on a Monday, I normally get out of work around 5:30ish, where is your office? I'm sure we could work something out as seeing you soon is a must! Let me know..

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Don't forget me when I'm gone

I'm so glad you like the blog! So follow it dude! I'm not in the mood for a long post since I just did a super long recap of sytycd (see ninjajenna)...

I started the other internship yesterday. It seems really fun. Great people I learned a lot in the two hours that I was there and I can't wait for more. Sadly I'm missing it today, but I'll be back on monday. Which reminds me. What time do you get home? I was thinking since I finish at like 5 on monday up by school, maybe I can come to you for dinner on the way home.  Thoughts?

Hope your work is going well! See you soon!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Well now its raining

I love love LOVE Ninja Jenna! And the title art looks awesome the little ninja jenna is so cute and its the J and yea its great really. I will definitely be reading this regularly. I especially enjoyed the entry on so you think you can dance. Side note I found out one of my coworkers also watches that show so its nice having something fun to talk about with someone at work. Meanwhile I really need to catch up I have yet to watch the Vegas week episodes because working everyday doesnt really leave too much time for tv and iv been trying to get to bed early so I have more energy throughout the day and that also takes away from reading and tv watching time.
So I was orginially supposed to go down to rutgers this weekend mainly last night but I had had a busy week os networking and just working in general and whatnot and plus my mom was being super anti letting me go so I just gave in and stayed home. So much for planning fun things.
Meanwhile I know we still have time but Im going to have to figure out how I'm going to get to your house the weekend I come due to this whole jersey city thing. But Im sure theres a way it shall be done and I will figure that out when the time comes. Also I realized that Iv never actually invited you to my house besides the time you came so please do know that if you would like to you are more than welcome. I know its hard to play a time with the shabbos thing especially since it ends late now that its summer, but again where theres a will theres a way haha.
Hope you are having fun with work and being ninja jenna!

Friday, June 10, 2011

It's slightly less hot than a southern swamp outside

Well thanks very much I figured it out myself... no I didn't

My online friend Jenn figured it out in a 1am exhaustion stupor. My online (writing, not VYou) friends call me ninja jenna because i'm always on invisible. I thought it was cute and general therefore I don't need to worry about my content straying from my main topic. And it brought and cute Icon to mind, which I spent all day making believe it or not. So it's a work in progress needless to say, but without further ado...

My New Blog

I need to still play with the image, make the stars smaller and maybe the text bigger, but like I said... a work in progress.

Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's hotter than a southern swamp outside

You can read this post to yourself in a southern accent. Maybe this will start up a theme. Or not.
So I thought long and hard about a blog title then I decided that you are the creative one not me so for now I got nothing but I'll keep thinking.

Good to hear about the work you are doing, it sounds like a tv show or something, or in any case it sounds good for you so yay. I had training till yesterday which was good because i was with a lot of interns and got to meet all of them well ok not all but a lot of them. Today was my first day at my desk, it already seems wayy better than last summer because I will actually have work to do! It went by pretty fast even though I was mostly just shadowing and learning and I guess I will be doing that for a while. I went to lunch with my team so I didnt get to see any interns but it was interesting getting to know my team. theyre all pretty young people well less than 30 so its def a chill enviroment so im looking forward to it. Tomorrow is my welcome event and apparently if youre over 21 youre pretty much expected to drink so ill see how it goes. Either way all the interns will be there and the COO of the company is supposed to speak ( I totally want that to be my title someday) so im looking forward to it. Its at Gotham Hall in the city so Ill have to figure out where that is.

Youve told me about blintzes before and I def want to try them. I need to better strategize my visits to your house so I get to try them, this whole missing it because I come in the middle thing is not cool.
Ok this ended up being a short entry because I need to go to bed( im old i know) but hopefully I will get to update it again during the weekend.

Enjoy your holiday! <3

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

There's a flower made out of post-its on my desk...

I'm making this a quick post and, as such, don't have the time to refer back to what you wrote in yours. I'm sure you'll understand. I'm at work again, but I won't be here on Thursday because starting tonight through Thursday night is Shavuot (not sure how it's translated) when we got the torah. We eat only dairy. We (mostly just the men) stay up all night learning on the first night (tonight) and then lunch on the first day (tomorrow) gets screwed up as a result. My mom makes awesome home made blintzes (google for reference). Maybe when you come in July she will already have made them for the nine days (also all dairy) and you'll be able to taste their amazingness. Or maybe there will be a couple leftover, although I can't guarantee that.

Today I went out on a run to pick up a gift from the company to Susan Lucci (google for reference) and deliver it, but then it turns out that she's in LA right now so I just came back and went home. Right now I'm waiting for someone to bring me an episode of this show All Worked Up so that I can double check the transcription. It's slow work, transcribing, but it's pretty cool, especially since the episodes haven't aired yet.

I'm glad your drive isn't that long. Super happy to hear about that. I was thinking that since I'm not working everyday, I could try and win broadway lottery tickets on one of my off days and you could meet me after work. Our chances would be lesser since I would just have one entry not two, but let's be honest, how good are our chances anyway? I have this anxiety to see the Book of Mormon since it's already the "hot new show" and pretty soon... idk it'll be harder to get tickets? But they already have a lottery so it's obviously already hard.

Are you done with training? What's the work like? There are a lot of things to be said for having a chill environment, but sometimes I wish there was something organized for us to do. Be careful what you wish for though. It's nice here. I like the people. So far the interns are nice (meaning I haven't met them all, not that I expect some of them to turn evil). Aside from the commute (just as long as last year if not longer it turns out), it's sweet.

I need your help. I want to start a blog but every time I try, I have anxiety about what to call it. I created one called TVidiocy which was cute and clever, but then I decided I wanted a more general name because I don't want it to just be about TV. Just Vidiocy would have been fine but it was taken. I wonder if I tried Videocy. hmmm... Anyway. Before I get bogged down by design and content I need a name. Help? Sometimes I have a learning curve, and recently "blog format" just kind of entered my brain and I keep thinking "that would be good in a blog" and not having a blog to put it in. So yeah that's my project for you. I guess this isn't that short. Oh well. Hope you have a good day! And that you come up with a catchy blog name for me. (Jennifhsieh was taken...)

<3 J

Friday, June 3, 2011

Well Ello There!

It was indeed my post and I had forgotten. My sincere and deepest apologies. I'm feeling a very british mood tonight ( perhaps its inspired by my GPS Richard who converses with me in a british accent) but I humbly request that you read this post to yourself as if I were talking in a british accent( mayhaps even a southern one who knows).

So yes we are indeed working girls again although I can hardly say my work has started. I've only gone for two days and already its a completely different experience that it was last year. For one thing I know a lot of people already since a good amount of people are from Rutgers. And also I'm still in confrence mode since I pretty much just got back from Western Illinois ( that was the acronym National Association of College and University Residence Halls or NACURH, yes we do love our acronyms in RHA. hah.) and so Im pretty comfortable just talking and meeting new people which is always a good thing. We have just been training so far so I don;t actually know which of the interns will be in my office but Iv met a few already who are so thats good. There are a total of 4 offices, 3 in the city and 1 in Jersery city and about 200something interns so thats a lot.

The first day of training was pretty short and was in the midtown office (it was really windy on that day and I saw a woman get crushed under one of those umbrella tables right outside times square it was scary), and today's was in the jersey city office which turns out is not all bad because I might actually have a shorter commute ( about 40 min) and the location is gorgeous cuz its right next to the water and you can see the city skyline. I might actually have to go into the city quite a bit for events and whatnot in the evening time (funny thing is all their social events have mandatory attendance not that I mind) so its looking to be a fun summer.

I know what you mean about feeling cooler wearing the straight skirt. Theres something about straight lines thats just more edgy. I need to go shopping for business clothes too. I think i can get away with how I dressed last year but I wanna look more put together anyways just cuz I do. Thats so cool about the NC thing maybe youll get to go on a trip! Wouldnt that be cool and fun and interesting? I bet it would.

Illinois is really the middle of nowhere but the confrence was super fun and i found out how to take pics on my iphone and put them on fbk right away and tag them which explains all my pics because you know i dont carry around a camera no matter where I go. Gotta love technology.

Well that was long hope I didnt bore you too much but lots more to catch up on we should have a skype date or a phone call soon! I miss you! Have fun being the ultra hip intern who runs around the city and does cool things while wearing straight skirts. It would also be nice to see you before our planned weekend in july so let me know if your schedule allows for something.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Technically, it's your post

We're both working girls once more! I'm only working Tuesdays and Thursdays right now, but it looks like I might have another internship in the works blogging for this Rutgers related company (MoxieToday). Pretty sure I told you about this. The commute to the city is pretty much as long as last years, but the plus is not having to deal with it every day so yay! I get a 10$ stipend every day so that covers it too.

So far, what I'm doing is basically whatever anyone in the office needs me for. I like it; it's a nice place with a casual environment. T-shirt and a jean skirt. I need to get nicer casual clothes though because I can't keep wearing the same two skirts. I'm sure I'll get more comfortable and branch into flowy soon, but I feel somehow "cooler" and more put together in a straight skirt. We shall see. Maybe dresses are in my future who knows.

There isn't a lot to do this week they say because a lot of people are "in North Carolina on a shoot" which is really damn cool. I'm trying to balance showing initiative with annoyingly asking "Is there anything I can do?" too many times. Where is the line between useful, motivated intern and needy annoying intern? Last summer, I prided myself on being told that I had finished quickly when I id something and today I got my first one of those, so I'm patting myself on the back for that. It's strange because I'm slow, I procrastinate, and I lack focus most of the time, but here I am getting things done QUICKLY even though I feel like it's taking me forever. It makes me wonder about other people- particularly other interns.

And you? How was your first day? How was training or whatever weird acronym NACHASDHERGJPFOGJPSDFOGK I keep seeing on facebook. You certainly have a lot of pictures up!

<3 J