Monday, February 7, 2011

Chocolate Coconut MOUNDS

Wrote this before and decided to keep it intact... ENJOY :)

I just watched a kind of thought provoking movie in class and now, suddenly I’m in a deep, quiet, thinking mood. The movie was Primary Colors. I had never heard of it, and not to belittle some of the awesome movies that John Travolta has been in, I wasn’t exactly expecting much. I was a movie about politics, which makes sense because in this class it’s kind of all we watch. I don’t mind; they lead to some really interesting discussions a lot of the time. Well, they could be more interesting but you know, there’re a couple annoying kids in class. The movie, like most politics movies, is about the disillusionment of the main character as this person becomes aware that it is impossible to win an election for public office without losing yourself and your morals completely. Maybe that’s an oversimplification, but I think it does it justice. In this case, the main character was not the candidate, but the person running the campaign who was really just looking for “the real deal” and someone to believe in blah blah blah optimist becomes a cynic blah. I’m writing this and once again remembering your thing about politics but I just thought you’d like to know what brought on the mood.

My day was long. I had a 9:50-12:50, two and a half hours at work, a class, and a screening. Now I’m killing time before a meeting. I was home for approximately five minutes in all of this time to get dinner before class. It was kind of a close call, but it worked out. Not sure if I can get away with running home like that every week though. I’ll have to experiment with finding the best way to eat three meals on Mondays. Bright side: Today was nice. Warm and happy and just nice. I feel like I accomplished things today, even if I didn’t really. It’s a strange contradiction that I so need free time and I so enjoy being busy. It makes my brain work more effectively, I think. I was actually elated to feel the rain because it meant that it was warm enough to not be ice or snow. I mean seriously. How nice was it to see dry sidewalk today? To see grass? It’s not going to last but it was nice. I have no idea where this post is going. Or the point. I don’t even have internet so there’s a chance I’ll forget to post this later when I do. Plus my battery might die.

I wish it was spring already. But I really wish that it was always spring. Not ALWAYS always, just like the vast majority of the time. I think people would be happier. Do you worry about the weather in London? I kind of do. But every time I watch a shot of the London skyline on a TV show or watch a show that so totally matches my humor, I can’t help but really really want to go. I know it’s a long way a way. And again, I don’t know where this post is going. Maybe I’ll stop here because my battery is almost dead and I’m not sure if my meeting starts at 9 or 9:15. I also have only been to these meetings once and still feel kind of awkward being new. But I keep seeing people I recognize passing by and I don’t know whether I should walk in and be early or take the risk of being late. Late would be bad because, well, I’d be late, but early would be bad because it means standing around by myself in a room full of people either trying to look busy or making awkward small talk. I hoping I’ll see Ashley and she’ll take me in with her and I can talk to her. We shall see. I’m going to put my laptop away just in case.

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