Ok so im back to being happy again, its mainly because my exam is over, this week is far far far better than last one was my hair is straight and i get to leave to see you in approximately 15 min! And if thats not exciting then I dont know what is. Oh and did I mention I can actually go to ballroom tonight and not feel guilty that im not studying for an exam the next day. Man, stupid school. Can i still drop out and come live in your closet because I would love that right about now.
Im so glad your birthday went well, and maybe youre just becoming older and wiser now. I always try to not expect too much out of people on my birthday because I dont want to be let down and I havent been let down that many times or anything but still, it always seemed like the mature thing to do was not to ask people to do things for you and just let them do what they wanted to but lately im starting to think the opposite that its better to just let people know what you want from them and if they can do it great and if they cant well that sucks but hopefully they can, but its a much better chance of it happening if they know in any case. But yea the anxiety level would def be less in turning 21 but I guess I will let you know in about 3 months . Oh man you can do all sorts of cool things now! Like go to those concerts. Yay.
So today in my ethical leadership class which is a bs class btw because we sit around and talk about our feelings and hold hands and sing kumbaya ok not really but something like that but we were talking about having key people in your life and how important it is to being a happy and healthy person and Id like to think Im ok at being a happy and healthy person and its def because of key people like you that i can be like that, and honestly times when im stressing out or going insane its hard to remember that. like you ever notice how its wayy easier to get perspective on things when youre happy to begin with. yea. but whatever its all good now, and i cant wait to see you and i wish id seen that birthday list before getting you your present but oh well youll see soon enough, and hey theres nondenominational winter holidays right around the corner. Remember doing secret santa last year? Its funny to think how far weve come in one year. We still got each other though. Im getting all sentimental because Jen's currently playing one of those songs, oh you know "those" songs. yea right you got it.
Anyways time to leave to go see you! Whee.
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