You know what I kinda hate? Blasting Ipod people. When I'm on the bus, all I like to hear is a. my own music b. nothing c. a random mesh of background noise or d. someone else's conversation. What I don't want to hear is the bass and percussion of someone's too loud music. Especially since 90% of the time it's crap music I've never heard of... some obnoxious heavy metal or rap. No thanks buddy. We're in the day and age where if I want to hear something, I can download it myself. You aren't "spreading the word" about your high school friend's band or anything; you're making me strongly dislike you as a person.
But what I really find funny about all of this is the 10% of people who are blasting typical 'on the radio' songs. As much as I hate the obnoxious music blasters, I think it's just a little embarrassing to be playing the latest Justin Beiber song loudly enough for a bunch of college students to hear. Personally, when I listen to my Ipod in public and I sense someone is looking at the song, I feel like I have to flip quickly to something "cool" or "alternative" so I can seem hip and informed on the underground music scene instead of people looking over my shoulder and seeing this...
Album Work
Because seriously there's nothing more definite than people looking over your shoulder and judging your taste in music based on the one thing you've allowed them to see. It's gonna happen. I did it myself with Mr. Beiber Blaster on the bus yesterday. I judged him (I know, him not her, weird...) It kinda sucks though, because I listen to awesome music and about 99% of it is NOT Miley cyrus, but if they catch me on one of those two songs... well I'll be a story in their blog later that day. Or their diary: "Oh My God! Someone else listens to Miley Cyrus in college!!! My life is complete!" *Sigh*
I'm excited about this too!!! Now I have to go run errands. Boo.
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