Right now, what is consuming the internet is this crazy dress thing, which if you haven't heard about, you will at some point tomorrow. Honestly, I have to say this whole thing is one of my favorite things about the internet. I mean when you say "Everyone is going crazy!," you usually mean all of your co-workers, all of your friends, all of your family... but this is actually EVERYONE going crazy. And it is actually driving people (myself included) INSANE. It honestly kind of reminds me of my infant and child development class because we learned about how babies are unable to understand that other people see things from different perspectives. So it they are looking at a white side of the ball, it would never be comprehensible to them that the other side is actually black. Guess we don't actually develop that much after all
Although, I think this is actually different because it's more about trusting what we see SOOOO much that we can't understand the concept that it's being clouded by perspective, which it undoubtedly is. And while I did read an explanation that was about who has better rods or cones, the explanations that made more sense to me had more to do with the perspective. And honestly that satisfied me more because, for the record, the whole time I've been neither team #blackandblue nor team #whiteandgold I've actually been seeing light blue and goldish/greenish brown. Which really confused me until I saw the Adobe Color breakdown: https://twitter.com/Adobe/status/571123202568491010/photo/1 --- This made me feel a lot better because it didn't mean there was anything with my rods and cones (Don't know why that bothered me so much), but in fact because my brain wasn't filling in any information at all. My sister, for example, said that when she came back to the photo after two hours it had gone from white and gold to blue and black. It never changed for me because I was seeing the colors in front of me. And obviously, I'm not untouched by the perception, and maybe it's becuase I have experience with photoshop and colors and stuff? I should send it to my grandfather. He was actually a paint chemist. #funfact
Anywhoooo, the main reason I wanted to post before you came here was because I have cute photos that I wouldn't be able to show you on Saturday (unless you plan on staying until after shabbos?) By the way, we should talk about how you are getting to my house, so I can help you with the public transportation if need be.
So this past Sunday was my grandfather 90th birthday party. It's not nearly as extravagant as what you guys did, but it was really nice. We had it during the day at a restaurant we really enjoy and that gave us a ton of food. They're just really nice there, basically. Sabrina and Max and Hannah came in and my cousin was there- the one I like. My mom's brother agreed to co-sponsor even though he is traditionally a jerk (not to completely undo his reputation, he did bitch about the food, which everyone else loved) The nice thing was that for the most part, people showed up. I don't know why this surprises me. I mean maybe it was because I thought the majority of people we were inviting were his friends from his support group (who were lovely and normal - as in not so "old people"-y, sorry...) and I wasn't thinking about the family that might be coming. Or maybe it's because my family is generally known for their apathy/not great relationship with my grandfather. Or maybe I just didn't have enough faith that people would see this as the big deal life event that I did. 90 is a BIG DEAL people. And yeah, I did feel a little bad not making a personalized centerpiece or a multimedia presentation, but the truth is that my grandfather is just not that type of guy. And though I'm sure he would have found that very nice, he really was so touched and had so much fun as it was that I don't think it was even completely necessary.
We even got a really nice thank you note from one of his friends. I mean. Adorable.
Oh right, pictures...
Thank you fancy camera! Hannah, by the way, is as funny as- if not funnier than- ever. I thought of you the other day as we were on our way home from the mall. Hannahbear is always chewing on her Teddy for some reason. On the way home, my mom goes "Hannah, what flavor is Teddy? Is she chocolate? Is she vanilla? Is she strawberry?" To which Hannah replied. "No, he's not a cupcake." And then when pressed continued. "He's a teddy bear."
I died laughing obviously but also because it remind me of "It's a lamp." Classic.
Because the purpose of this Bowl was basically the media portion, here are some more photos and a video.
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Some of the food. I know meat is not appealing to you, but this pic is from my phone and it just came out so nicely. Plus, it's a middle eastern-y place and I thought you'd appreciate that/the colors |
Here's a picture of Hannah trying to put on her "Mermaid's Tail"
I basically fell asleep on the floor leaning on the couch and Hannah, completely out of character, jumped on me (not the out of character part) and then snuggled up to me. She then fell asleep while I rubbed her and eventually I ended up having to shimmy out from under her. I think Sabrina actually posted a picture of both of us when I was asleep
Moving on.... For my mom's birthday, we got her a French Pastry class and she did it last week! I was just happy to give her something fun to do on her own, and she enjoyed it- which was good because they screwed up the oven and the choux pastries didn't come out so great, buuut the palmiers were amazing and we might still have some of those if you remind me when you come. And if you like that sort of thing. And if they are still good.
I think that's all for now. Excited to see you this weekend! Just for funsies, here is a video of Hannah singing a song about Gummy Bears that she found on Youtube and then getting distracted by a shopping bag. I hope it works. And here is the original song, in case you want something stuck in your head. It's actually very catchy...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=astISOttCQ0