Sunday, August 19, 2012

Nothing I say will be as exciting as that last entry

Seriously though. She is so adorable and everything you said she does I just imagine her doing and I can only imagine how awesome it must be too see. I saw pictures of the adorable outfits and I must say they are so freaking cute you could just eat her up. I'm very jealous of your snuggles. Sometimes all I want to do is snuggle with a baby but theyre hard to come by or something like that...

But on my end work is going well! So I only started at my desk last week (in case I didn't tell you i'll be in the city for this year and my office is 54th and 6th pretty close to Radio City) so yea I havent actually done much yet because I've just been waiting to get set up and stuff but people on my team say I look busy already which I guess is a good skill to have. The people on my team are really awesome and we are actually getting a new person this week so it'll be good to see if shes cool too. I think I actually get to start doing stuff this week so thats awesome and exciting and scary at the same time. I get assinged clients who I have to manage so I'll get to talk to people and whatnot so thats a yay.

Being in the city is also really really good. I think I never realized the scope of opportunity for a social life that working in the city lends itself to. And since I took a part of the CPA last week( which was alright I just really hope I passed and dont have to take it again but I wont find out until end of august which I guess isnt that far away) and am only in the beginning stages of studying for my next part I can actually have a social life for a little while.  Last week I actually did stuff 3 days of the week which was a pretty big deal considering my activities have been consisting of working, studying, sleeping repeat. But yes I would love to see you sometime this week Im open to dinner or happy hour-- I usually get out of work around 5:30.

So thats pretty much me. Tell your mom I said hello and let me know when you're free this week! Miss you! <3

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Message from the Auntie

So I've been in St. Louis for about a week and a half. It's been awesome getting to know Hannah (whom we still call Duckie sometimes). I love holding her. Her toes are adorable her hands and feet are actually proportionally large so maybe she'll be tall! She has monkey length arms too. And she is so cute for the twenty minutes at a time that she is content and awake. She sleeps a lot, which is fine because she is super cute to stare at while sleeping.

She gets the hiccups constantly and they vary from the silent ones that just shake her entire body, to the scary sounding ones that make you just stare at her nervously to make sure she's not choking or anything, to the ones that sound like she has a squeeze-toy in her stomach and you can't help but laugh because it's hilarious. Everything she does is adorable and miniature. Sneezing, coughing. I am of the opinion that she's even cute while crying, but others are of the opinion that this is only because I don't wake up with her in the middle of the night. She sleeps a lot at night though, so they're pretty lucky.

My sister puts her in these adorable headbands when we go out. Half because she wants people to know immediately that she is a girl and half because they are just soooo pretty. We're not supposed to take her out much, so we limit. We went to the zoo today. She slept through the whole thing.

She's also so cute in the bath. She got her first bath while I was here. We put her in this sunflower sink insert and run water on her head and she just sits and coos a little. She doesn't even care that there is water on her head.

I'm coming back on Wednesday night. It'll be nice to be back home and see friends and snuggle with my cats, but I can't imagine not getting to see her and get to know her and her quirks. They'll be in for like ten days in mid-September and then again in November, but considering how she grows so noticeably overnight sometimes, a month or two seems endless. Sigh. I'd love to see you next week! Tell me in detail about how work is going! My mom asked...